Saturday, July 16, 2011
Dan Savage: ‘I Wish [Republicans] Were All F–king Dead’
This is the same man who claimed to lick the doorknobs of Gary Bauer's campaign offices in 2000 so that the staff could catch his flu.
Dan Savage: ‘I Wish [Republicans] Were All F–ki..., posted with vodpod
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Obama 'shafes' at unscripted questions! NO CAMERAS!
A long-running tiff between the White House press corps and the West Wing over presidential access flared anew today when press secretary Jay Carney faced off with reporters over the right to shout questions at the president during debt talks.
Obama chafes at the time-honored practice of answering questions shouted at him during pooled, non-press conference events — and his staff has often opted for “stills sprays,” excluding print reporters or TV cameras who might capture Obama in the less than flattering non-act of snubbing a query.
When asked today why TV crews and print reporters were barred from the pool covering the White House meeting with congressional leaders on the deficit, Carney responded by pointing out that the administration has held two press conferences in the past two weeks and allowed TV cameras into the spray earlier this week.
"People shouted questions at him," Carney added.
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Obama 'chafes' at unscripted question, NO CAMERAS!, posted with vodpod
Search Rape At Rochester, NY Airport
New Port Richey, Florida - Airport security is a part of traveling these days, from walking through X-Ray machines to being patted down. But one New Port Richey couple contacted 10 News to say the search they received went too far.
"It was extremely thorough, almost a violation, "says Jason Steitler as he describes how a TSA official searched him at the Greater Rochester International Airport July 6th. Steitler's disability requires he uses a wheelchair.
"They did the hair then did the neck. Then they had me do a pushup in my chair, then got down into my inner thigh around my back side. It's the most thorough search [I've] had done in my life," says Steitler.
Steitler and his wife, Jennifer, were heading home to New Port Richey that morning. She too is in a wheel chair and was searched by a TSA official.
"She's been using the phrase 'search raped' because it was that thorough. She says it was nearly to her crotch," says Steitler. "I feel the chair should have option of either scanner or searches, but automatically we're being thrown to being patted down."
Steitler says they've complained to the TSA about their experience at Rochester International Airport, but all they've received back is a standard form letter.
"Just the standard reply to everything: 'In order to fly you have to be searched,'" says Steitler.
In an email to the Steitlers, a TSA official writes, "We apologize for any insensitivity or inappropriate treatment you experienced during the screening process."
In another email, a TSA official says, "We believe these security measures are necessary and appropriate for ensuring the security and confidence of all air travelers."
The Steitlers say they are not opposed to the searches, just the way the disabled are treated when it's done. Steitler says, "Generally, be fair about it. Don't hold the disabled up to more scrutiny just because they are in chairs."
Noah Lebowitz, the director of communications for Monroe County and spokesperson for Greater Rochester International Airport, tells 10 News in a written statement, "The Greater Rochester International Airport always strives to provide outstanding customer service to our passengers and ensure that they enjoy a convenient and safe travel experience. The security screening protocols in question are the jurisdiction of the federal government through the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). If any passenger believes that our airport could have provided them with an enhanced customer experience, we encourage them to contact us."
Steitler says he plans to become an advocate for the disabled until he feels the security protocol is fair and equal for all.
Search rape at Rochester, NY airport, posted with vodpod
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Democratic Socialists of America reach their goal ahead of time
March 17, 2011 Kerem Oner
[this is NOT the Socialist Party, USA. It is the more radical marxist DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISTS OF AMERICA, which was created by members of the New American Movement (NAM), an SDS offshoot, a few marxists from the Socialist Party, former Communist Party USA members (Obama’s friends, Quentin Young, Milt Cohen, etc), and other disaffected marxists (esp. from the original 1960’s Socialist Scholars Conference crowd).]
H/T Texas Fossil
Caucus Members
Co-ChairsVice Chairs
Senate Member
House Members
New Tone… Top Democrat Indicted For St. Louis BOMBING (Video)

Democratic strategist and bomber– Milton H. “Skip” Ohlsen III. (P-D)
Top local democrat Milton Ohlsen III was indicted today for planting a bomb in a parking garage that injured a local attorney.
The democrat hid his identity behind balloons after planting the bomb.
FOX 2 reported:
A former Democratic political operative has been indicted by federal authorities for allegedly planting a bomb in a CLayton parking garage in 2008. The bomb went off, seriously injuring a Clayton attorney. Police believe he was not the bomber’s intended target.Hat Tip Ed
Milton Ohlsen iii nicknamed “Skip” is well known to law enforcement. He’s also well known in Democratic political circles. The feds now say he’s the one who planted a bomb in a garage at 190 Carondolet plaza in Clayton on October 15, 2008.
Federal prosecutors say ohlsen made the bomb and put it in the parking garage where it went off and injured clayton attorney John Gillis.
Federal agents say Gillis was the wrong target. They say Ohlsen was actually trying to kill attorney Richard Eisen who drove a similar car. Eisen represented Ohlsen’s wife in a messy divorce case.
Starting in 2004 Ohlsen was used as a consultant by the Missouri Democratic party. He even had lunch at the governor’s mansion with then-governor Bob Holden.
The bombing victim John L. Gillis said he was doing “reasonably well” after receiving a series of skin grafts to treat burns caused by the bombing.
Figures. Local Top Dem Involved in St. Louis BOMBING
Saturday, July 9, 2011
March 24, 2009, Obama approved Fast and Furious
March 24, 2009, Obama approved Fast and Furious , posted with vodpod